Submission Opened

Submission Opened

par Thibault Serge Mario Porssut,
Number of replies: 0

Hi all,

The deadline for submitting the final version of the project (Build and Unity project + Report) is on May 20th 23:55.

Each group should submit a compressed file containing the code with a report containing brief explanations about the program and some conclusions regarding the coding and user experience.

It is also requested to provide the build used during the demo.

Please submit a zipped file in .zip format. Name your submission as:

XX = group number

Only one member of the group needs to submit the project.

The deadline for submitting the video is May 25th 23:55.

You can submit a link (dropbox, one drive …) or a file:

1. let us know in case you do not want it to be posted on any video sharing platform in the future (

2. please name your submission as:
   XX = group number

Only one member of the group needs to submit the video.

Good Luck,

Thibault & Neal