We will use Slack for communication https://slack.com/

The name of our workspace on Slack is tcp-iplabs.slack.com, you will receive an email with an invitation on your EPFL mailbox, if you have not received an email, please contact roman.rudnik@epfl.ch

Please use your full name as login. https://get.slack.help/hc/en-us/articles/212675257-Join-a-Slack-workspace

Once you join the working space, please join channels for labs (lab0, lab1, etc) https://get.slack.help/hc/en-us/articles/205239967-Browse-and-join-channels

Do not create other channels.

Write your question about the lab in the corresponding channel

You can also answer the questions of other students (start a thread https://get.slack.help/hc/en-us/articles/115000769927-Message-and-file-threads)

Please, check if someone already asked question that you have.

Modifié le: mercredi 12 septembre 2018, 09:46