The course is an introduction to heterogeneous catalysis for environmental protection and energy production. It focusses on catalytic exhaust gas cleaning for stationary power plants and internal combustion engines as well as catalytic systems relevant for gaseous and liquid fuel production.


• Basic introduction into heterogeneous catalysis

• Preparation of heterogeneous catalysts

• Characterization of heterogeneous catalysts

• Exhaust gas catalysis for stationary power plants and internal combustion engines: Three-way-catalysis, oxidation catalysts, selective catalytic reduction, NOx storage reduction catalyst, soot filtration/oxidation, methane oxidation, SOx, volatile organic compounds, ...

• Introduction to gaseous and liquid fuels: oil refinery, coal and biomass gasification

• Control the CO/CO2/H2 ratio and downstream synthesis: water-gas-shift (WGS) and reverse water-gas-shift (RWGS) reaction, partial oxidation (PROX), reforming reactions, methanation, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis

• Hydrogen production

• Renewable liquid fuels from biomass


By the end of the course, the student must be able to:

• Select appropriately catalytic systems for different reactions

• Describe different catalytic exhaust cleaning technologies

• Explain the composition and structure-function relationships of different catalytic systems

• List the relevant chemical reactions

• Design an experiment for catalytic tests

• Select appropriately catalyst characterization methods

• Use the specific nomenclature in the field and calculate basic parameters

• Assess / Evaluate the performance of heterogeneous catalysts