Q1 in quiz 2 (2018)

Q1 in quiz 2 (2018)

by Valentin Oliver Loftsson -
Number of replies: 1

Hi everyone

I am having trouble finding the exact correct answer to this question. According to my understanding we can exclude the first three options, since this approach to error correction is lexicon-based, i.e. the set of correct forms is the entire lexicon. Also, I think we can exclude the fourth option since visiting the entire lexicon is obviously not efficient. So I looked at the last three options. I wonder what is meant by distance, but upon reading the slides I assumed it is cut-off edit distance. Also, from reading the slides I came to the conclusion that the 5th and 6th options are probably the correct ones, since the cut-off edit distance between the input string (X) and a string in the lexicon we are checking against needs to be  \le\theta for the string to be visited when walking through the FSA...

Any feedback and criticism on my rationale will be helpful. Thanks in advance.

Question 1

In reply to Valentin Oliver Loftsson

Re: Q1 in quiz 2 (2018)

by Jean-Cédric Chappelier -
You're right at the beginning; but then:
  1. (although your final conclusions where right) NO, "distance" is NOT "cut-off edit distance";
    as I emphasized in class: the "cut-off edit distance" is a cut-off CRITERION ON THE edit distance: it's a number computed FROM the edit distance in order to prune search ;
    the "distance" (alone) is simply the edit-distance considered for solutions (i.e. the distance we want to use when we mean "at most \theta").
  2. see maybe my previous answer for other details: https://moodlearchive.epfl.ch/2019-2020/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=21002#p41481