Q1 in quiz 2 (2018)

Re: Q1 in quiz 2 (2018)

par Jean-Cédric Chappelier,
Number of replies: 0
You're right at the beginning; but then:
  1. (although your final conclusions where right) NO, "distance" is NOT "cut-off edit distance";
    as I emphasized in class: the "cut-off edit distance" is a cut-off CRITERION ON THE edit distance: it's a number computed FROM the edit distance in order to prune search ;
    the "distance" (alone) is simply the edit-distance considered for solutions (i.e. the distance we want to use when we mean "at most \theta").
  2. see maybe my previous answer for other details: https://moodlearchive.epfl.ch/2019-2020/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=21002#p41481