Quiz 1 Grades

Quiz 1 Grades

par Jean-Cédric Chappelier,
Number of replies: 0

Dear INLP students,

I just posted the first quiz grades on Moodle. The quiz grades are expressed in percent of the total, which was 30 points. Thus a grade of 75,00 means that you had 22.5 points overall. 55% is the pass level (strictly above 55% = 4.0 or more) and quarter-point final SAC grade steps correspond to a 5% step (i.e. strictly above 60% = 4.25 or more, and so on).

Solution and comments can be found there: http://coling.epfl.ch/quizNote01-2019-corr.pdf
(also linked from the ``Exams/Grades'' page of the course website).

Please carefully read that document before coming to me with any further questions.
I'll also organize a "consultation session", where you can come and see your graded quiz:
this Friday (Nov 1st), from 8:45am to 9:30am in room IN F 2.
(But please carefully read the above mentioned document before coming).