adding IP component to a system

adding IP component to a system

by Jérôme Savary -
Number of replies: 1


We are currently trying to add our custom parallel port to the Platform Designer (using the computer in INF3), but as we start the compilation of our project, 27 errors appear, the first one being :
"Error (12006): Node instance "the_lab1_onchip_instrCacheDisabled_dataCacheDisabled_nios2_gen2_0_cpu_test_bench" instantiates undefined entity "lab1_onchip_instrCacheDisabled_dataCacheDisabled_nios2_gen2_0_cpu_test_bench". Ensure that required library paths are specified correctly, define the specified entity, or change the instantiation. If this entity represents Intel FPGA or third-party IP, generate the synthesis files for the IP."
Our system seems fine (at least no error are generated by the platform designer (see below) ) but quartus can't compile. 

Did anyone get the same error and was able to solve it?

Best regardsPlatformDesigner_Parameters

In reply to Jérôme Savary

Re: adding IP component to a system

by Sahand Kashani-Akhavan -

I've never seen that error message before, but one thing that looks weird is the "the_" at the beginning of the IP name, and the "_testbench" at the end of it.
I'd try deleting the nios2 processor from your qsys system, then re-adding it back again and see if that helps.

Also, you are connecting your nios processor's instruction bus to both an on-chip memory and a parallel port, but this is wrong. You should only be connecting the instruction master port to the on-chip memory. You should just be connecting the data master port to the parallel port if you want to access it.
