Project 1 similarity

Re: Project 1 similarity

by Ronan Boulic -
Number of replies: 0

you can re-upload until the due date but after 3 re-uploads the generated report is produced after a delay of 24h.

This predefined feature is there to prevent reverse engineering the plagiarism detection.

the similarity score is an indicative measure ; I do not "autograde" your work based on the score alone.

A high similarity score value (turning from green to yellow) may be explained by :

- the bibliographic references ; it's fine to copy-paste bibliographic references. I will rather focus on their completeness.

- quoted text from other papers ; it's important to explicitly add such quotes around text that you cite so that 1) I know you want to stress it was borrowed from another source, and 2) you acknowledge that you couldn't say it as well, even with paraphrases.

In the end I will the one to assess your work by reading it carefully.

One point I want to highlight is the final conclusion. This is the place where you express your own opinion on the topic whereas the text before the conclusion should be neutral in that matter: part1 is a summary, part2 is an analysis of the topic evolution based on citation data.