Virtual exercise sessions and moodle

Virtual exercise sessions and moodle

par Bernd Albert Illing,
Number of replies: 0

Dear Students,

I hope this message finds you all well. In the following we will describe how we proceed with the exercise sessions and moodle usage.

TL;DR: Moodle stays for resources and important announcements. All interactive parts, like discussions with TAs, will move to slack and zoom.

Action item: Please register to this slack workspace if you want to participate in the virtual exercise sessions:

Concerning moodle:

- All resources like video lectures, slides, exercises, mini projects etc will be published on moodle. 

- Discussion forums on moodle will be replaced by slack channels in a slack workspace (see link above). The moodle discussion forums will be archived. 

- ALL future announcements will still be on moodle (including the email notifications).

Concerning the virtual exercise sessions (slack):

- All future discussions on the course should move to the slack workspace (see invitation link above); please note the different channels for different topics. ;-) Feel free to post questions at any time, however, we will address these questions mainly during the exercise sessions. Please keep the channels tidy by asking specific questions and using threads for reacting to existing posts (see next point): go for quality rather than quantity. Use personal chats or #random for offline discussions. 

- Each remark/question should be posted as a comment in the respective channel. Then a thread should be opened (‘start a thread’) and responses to that question should be posted in that thread to keep the main channel(s) clean!

- During the exercise sessions (Mo + Tu 5:00 - 6:00 pm, Fr 9:30 - 10:30 am) TAs will be available and responding in time - either by texting or by zoom call (with or without video). If you think a zoom call is more efficient, indicate this by posting the :raised_hand: emoji in the thread. Depending on availability, a TA will start a zoom meeting where you simply have to click ‘join’ to enter the meeting. If you have zoom installed it will redirect you to your zoom app. If not, no problem, you simply choose ‘joining in the browser’, type in your name and you are ready to go. If a TA believes that calling is more efficient, we will directly start a zoom meeting.

We wish you a nice experience with the virtual exercise sessions & discussions and an inspiring continuation of the course!

Best regards,

your TA team