Miniproject release

Miniproject release

par Bernd Albert Illing,
Number of replies: 3

Dear all,

We published the two miniprojects on moodle as jupyter notebook templates; feel free to have a look ;-)

When downloading the notebooks, make sure you save them with the correct extension (.ipynb). Then cd to the directory where you saved them, activate the CS456 environment (or create it if not done already) and you are ready to go! 

You don't have to use the setup (operating system, environment, dependencies etc) we provide, however support from our side will be limited to the scope of the described setup.

We encourage everybody to have a look at both miniprojects or even work on both of them, however, only one project will be graded.


1. The submission deadline will be May 22, 2020. Your submission will be in the form of a filled in jupyter notebook. Details on the submission process will follow later.

2. Only one miniproject will be submitted and graded per team. Please choose between the reinforcement and the feedforward miniproject.

3. Work in teams of two people (not more).

4. Obviously, copying of code, answers or other content is not allowed. There will be a fraud detection session at the end of the semester. However, collaboration between teams is encouraged. 

Please don't hesitate to post on our slack channel at any time if you have questions, problems or feedback on the miniprojects. The TAs will be available during the usual office hours during the easter break (except for easter monday) and we try to address urgent question asap.

With this we wish you lots of fun and good luck with the miniprojects and a happy easter break!

Best regards and stay safe (and home of course ;-)

your TA team.

In reply to Bernd Albert Illing

Re: Miniproject release

par Théophile Nicolas Joseph Bouiller,

Hi, I think there is an error in the notebook file for reinforcement learning, (with the pong game) in the 8th cell for the test run.  In the function definition for random_policy I had to add a second argument to make it work,  because it was only taking observation as sole argument and was missing one for env. Or maybe it was intentional ? I don't know.



In reply to Théophile Nicolas Joseph Bouiller

Re: Miniproject release

par Manu Srinath Halvagal,

Hi Théophile,

You're right. Thank you for bringing this to our attention!
Sorry for the inconvenience. As you said, the fix is fairly simple, we have also updated the notebook template on moodle.

Hope you enjoy the rest of the miniproject!


In reply to Manu Srinath Halvagal

Re: Miniproject release

par Bernd Albert Illing,


thanks for your feedback and sorry for the inconvenience. We highly appreciate your feedback and help to improve the miniprojects.

Please use our slack workspace ( channels) for future questions and feedback on the miniprojects (I'll copy this thread there).

