Dear all,
sorry for the mess. A few incoherence were found in the questions 1.4
and 1.5 of miniproject 2. Please be aware of it and update you jupyter
notebook accordingly.
List of changes:
1.4.1 change in the probability of infection
1.4.4 and 1.4.5 are hopefully a bit clearer
1.4.6 Correction in typos
now dt = 0.01 in simulation simulation_graph instead of 0.1 !
Major changes in 1.5.2-1.5.3-1.5.4. We tried to have clearer and more straight forward questions/implementations
Addition of a bonus questions.
In addition Note that the deadline is now 15th of June. THERE WILL BE NO MINIPROJECT 3. All the students that did not plan to do miniproject 2 and did not do the pen&pencil exercise should come to us.