GWAS data and individual report clarifications

GWAS data and individual report clarifications

by Darlene Goldstein -
Number of replies: 0

hello everyone, I hope that you are all doing well.

For those of you who have chosen a GWAS, you will find the instructions in the week 13-19 April of the moodle site. 

There are also other helpful (I hope!) links for those with other topics.

One clarification: the last report is an INDIVIDUAL report. You should work on it ALONE. If you have ANY questions, please email me and we will either resolve it that way or set up a zoom rendez-vous if necessary.

Your report will be run through a plagiarism software. Any instance of plagiarism will be punished as severely as possible, up to and including expulsion from EPFL. So please - do your own work!!

Best regards, and STAY SAFE,
