Final grading scheme for the VR course

Final grading scheme for the VR course

par Ronan Boulic,
Number of replies: 0

    Dear Students,

The final grading scheme is nearly the same as the one already visible on moodle since April 27th.

The only difference is a slightly larger weight for the paper study (from 16% to 20%) because we cannot organize the informal evaluation of a student project that would have given 4%.

Here is the summary that is now visible on the moodle page:

  • The 2 Quizzes (10%) are cancelled : the 10% is assigned to the PROJECT component of the course

  • The paper study grade has a bigger weight of  (16% + 4% = 20%) ; you will know your grade before the final oral (see below)

  • The programming assignment has a bigger weight of (40%+10% = 50%): Project Guidelines. This year the project is to be done by  groups of 3 persons , during weeks 5-12, demo and project grading on week 13. The project oral evaluation will be conducted online with zoom with video recording (organization details will be sent by email)

  • The short individual theoretical oral control during week 14 does not change (30%) (on the chosen paper +  general VR background concepts)) . The theoretical oral exam will be conducted online with zoom with video recording (organization details will be sent by email)

Best regards

Ronan Boulic and the TA team