

par Jan Van Herle,
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Hello All

i hope everyone is OK. For today's class, since we covered all material, I suggest we cancel this final week's lecture, since you have enough material to work on for semester projects, I am told :-)

Instead we supply you with an example exam from a few years ago, one from Sophia (50%) and one from me (50%), including the solutions.

I also supply a compilation of some of my past slides that can serve as a formula memento. This is only an extra help. It may inspire you for your own summary notes.

For the written exam in August, remember that can you can bring only a calculator and 10 pages (single sided; else 5 pages double-sided) with your summary notes from the class. (But in addition you can bring this formula memento as an extra aid.)

Today there will still be the solution given to last week's exercise on tidal and wave power.

All the best for a final sprint with the semester projects, for a break in June and for the exam preparation for August.
