UPDATE: Final report deadline 9 August

UPDATE: Final report deadline 9 August

by Darlene Goldstein -
Number of replies: 0

hello all,

First of all, I want to tell you how proud I am of you and your work under very difficult conditions: BRAVA / BRAVO!!

I write here to update you all on the status of your commented reports:

  • I have already returned many commented reports
  • If you turned in your preliminary report on or before 29 May, you should get a commented version by this Friday 24 July
  • If you turned in your preliminary report on or after 30 May, you should get a commented version by next Tuesday 28 July (I received over 120 reports  on 30 May)
  • I must turn in the course notes by Monday 10 August, so I have made the new FINAL deadline of Sunday 9 August (any time)
This will give almost everyone approximately 2-3 weeks to revise their individual report.

I can understand the stress you must all be under, what with the massive amount of uncertainty along with having to prepare for exams under these unusual circumstances. The purpose of these reports is to learn how to carry out a data analysis and write a scientific report describing your analysis, and I sincerely hope that my comments will help you to improve your preliminary submissions.

I also understand that many of you will not have much time to fix things and re-submit. I still want you to learn from my comments when you have time, and you can try fixing only the most important things if necessary.

As for your course notes: at first, your course note will be calculated as: 2 + (2/3) *(final indiv. report note). [The 2+ is because your first (group) report counts for (1/3)*6 = 2 points, and all of you have received full marks for this.]

In the event that this initial calculation does not give a reasonable distribution of notes, I intend to either (a) give (partial) grace point(s) to your final individual report, or (b) adjust the distribution to a more reasonable one (based on the distributions for previous years), in all cases giving  you the benefit of rounding. Any adjustment that I carry out will only increase (or equal, but NOT decrease) your course note.

So please try to relax, and take good care of yourselves. Yes, things are weird!! But the most important thing is to stay safe and be kind to yourself.

