Reports update

Reports update

by Darlene Goldstein -
Number of replies: 0

hello all, 

I believe that I have sent back comments for all reports received ON OR BEFORE 30 MAY. If you returned  your report by then but have not received a commented version from me, please let me know right away so that I can get it to you.

I should be able to return commented reports tomorrow if you sent yours in on or before 15 July. If you have sent yours between 16-31 July, I hope to be able to get it to you on Saturday (but no guarantees). 

If you turned in your report during August, I will still try to make some comments, but cannot guarantee it.

There are still about 35 students for whom I have no record of receiving ANY report. It seems that several of you interpreted 'preliminary deadline' to mean that if you missed it then you should not submit it before 9 August. That is not true! If you have some version of a report, I strongly encourage you to submit it (in the event that I DO have an opportunity to make some kind of comments to help you out).

I understand that many of you have only just received your commented version, I apologize for the delay. Don't stress over it and don't spend too much time on your revisions. I will figure out how to adjust the notes if needed.

As a reminder, your course note is computed as:

2 + (2/3)*(individual report note) - at least; it is possible that I will adjust the distribution of course notes, but your note will not be less than this. Your individual report note is NOT your course note, your course note will be higher.

Again, please get in touch if you are in the 'on or before 30 May' group and haven't received anything back from me, and if you haven't turned in anything yet, please turn it in now. Unless I have told you otherwise, the FINAL deadline for ALL work is 9 August.

Best of luck on your exams, and STAY SAFE!!

Best regards,
