This Python exercise will be graded. It is the first of three mini-projects and it is mandatory.

The deadline is  30th March 2020, at 23:55 (it is a sharp deadline!).

Book Chapters: Ch5.3, Ch6.1-2

Download this notebook file to your computer (use "Download linked file as...", or right-click "save link as"). Make sure the extension is .ipynb. If your browser adds a .txt extension, rename the file after download.

Follow the instructions in the notebook.

All your answers, code and figures have to be contained in the notebook. You will submit your notebook.


1) You have to work in groups of 2. Groups of 3 or more are NOT allowed.

2) BOTH students in a group should upload the same notebook file 

3) Discussion between groups is encouraged, but you can't share your code or text

4) The points assigned to each exercise are indicated in the notebook file

5) You should upload a jupyter notebook file with all code run and picture visible. We are not going to run your notebook.

6) Read carefully the instructions at the beginning of the notebook file, answer in a clear and concise way to open questions.

7) If, for an exceptional and valid reason, you can not find/work with a partner, please contact the TAs as soon as possible.

Good luck!

Modifié le: dimanche 15 mars 2020, 20:18