Week Name Description
URL Structural Analysis COCKPIT - Using Google CHROME !!!

Many tools

URL ChemDraw EPFL site licence
URL ChemDoodle UNIL and EPFL site license

Licence pour ChemDoodle

URL For fun: Telegram bot for periodic table of elements
URL For fun: Telegram bot: chemcalc molecular formula analysis
References & Resources URL Masse et infra-rouge: Notes de l'enseignant

Document google docs "commentable"

File Spectroscopie de resonance magnetique nucleaire (RMN)
File Tables de références
Mass spectrometry - Simple exercises on MF URL 2021.02.22 Cours 1
URL 2021.03.01 Cours 2
URL ChemCalc - Analyse molecular formula


URL ChemCalc - Molecular formula from monoisotopic mass


URL How charged is my molecule ?

How charged is my molecule ?

URL Interactive exercises on isotopic distribution

Interactive exercises on isotopic distribution

URL What is my monoisotopic mass

What is my monoisotopic mass

Mass spectrometry : Integrated exercises URL Integrated MS exercises

MS exercises 

URL 2021-03-08 cours 3
Mass spectrometry : Fragmentation URL Exercises on fragmentation

MS exercises 

URL NIST wetbook database (resource of over 100 thousands spectra)
URL Fragmenttion simulation
URL 2021-03-15 cours 4
Degree of unsaturation and structural isomers URL Exercises on unsaturation degree based on chemical structure

More exercises on unsaturation degree

URL Exercises on degree of unsaturation based on molecular formula

More exercises on degree of unsaturation based on molecular formula

URL Generate possible structural isomers
URL Structural isomers
URL 2021-03-22 cours 5
Infrared spectroscopy URL Browse and compare IR spectra

Browse and compare IR spectra

URL Wikipedia article showing the different vibrations


URL Exercise: determine the structure from an IR spectrum

Determine the structure

URL 2021-03-30 Cours 6
Homotopic, Enantiotopic, Diastereotopic URL Tool: Explore topicity. Draw any molecule and check equivalent atoms.


URL Exercise: Find the number of different hydrogens


URL 2021-04-12 Cours 7
NMR: Various tools URL Tool: NMR 1H prediction
URL Tool: Simulate multiplet
URL Tool: Simulate second order effect AB, ABC, ...
1H NMR: number of signals and simple assignment URL 2021-04-19 cours 8
URL Exercise: Assign NMR spectra


URL Exercise: Find the number of signals in the NMR spectrum


Simple NMR spectra URL 2021-04-29 cours 9
URL Exercise: Determine structure of simulated spectra
URL Exercise: Determine structure from predicted NMR spectra

Those exercises will simulate NMR spectra from simple molecules. Don't forget to calculate the unsaturation degree !

1H NMR: structure from experimental spectrum URL 2021-05-03 Cours 10
URL Exercise: Determine structure of experimental NMR spectra
URL Exercise: Integrate NMR spectrum and determine the structure
NMR spectra of Boc protected amino acids URL 1H NMR of amino acids


Integrated exercises URL Determine the structure from EM, IR and 1H NMR

 Determine the chemical structure of unknown products from the monoisotopic mass, infrared spectrum as well as proton NMR.

NMR: 13C exercises URL Tool: 13C NMR prediction


URL Tool: calculate the population difference


URL Exercise: 13C NMR exercises


URL 2021-05-10 Cours 11
Integrated exercises URL 2021-05-17 Cours 12
URL Determine the structure from MS, IR and 1H NMR

 Determine the chemical structure of unknown products from the electronic impact mass spectrum, infrared spectrum as well as proton NMR.

Integrated exercises URL Determine the structure from 13C and 1H NMR

 Determine the chemical structure of unknown products from the proton NMR as well as coupled and decoupled carbon NMR spectra.

Example of exam File Exemple d'examen
URL Correction examen


URL Séance de révision - 29 août 2020