Virtual reality
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Live online lecture of Dr Bruno Herbelin on May 10thWebinaire link : audio/text questions during the TP/Project time slot, use the VR Discord server
For text questions out of all the course time slots rather use the Discourse forum
see the detailed schedule below for the the type of activity during the 10-13h time range
the course plans 5 weeks of VR hands-on with coding work (--2h/week) from weeks 3-4 to 7 of the semester. For this reason, the 1h of exercise from 12h to 13h is used for teaching for the first 2 weeks whereas there will be only 1h of lecture from 10h to 11h during the weeks 4 to 8 period.
The paper study is an individual work done within week2 to 5.
The project starts on week 3 where groups of 3 persons are formed and can retrieve their Oculus Quest HMD(s) ; we have 22 of them (half Oculus Quest and half Quest2) for this spring. The project pitch is planned on week 8 just after the hands-on end. The project end on week 13.
- The paper study grade has a weight of 20% ; you will know your grade before the final oral (see below)
- The programming assignment has a weight of 50%: The project oral evaluation will be conducted online with zoom (organization details will be sent by email)
- The short individual theoretical oral control during week 14 has a weight of 30% (on the chosen paper + general VR background concepts)) . The theoretical oral exam will be conducted online with zoom (organization details will be sent by email)
- The paper study grade has a weight of 20% ; you will know your grade before the final oral (see below)
Feb. 22 nd [1h course presentation and embodied VR concepts, 2h about Game concepts and testing]
R. Boulic : Course structure including a brief overview of the 4 hands-on demos, the paper study and the small project
R. Boulic : VR as "Embodied Interaction"
N. Tian : Introduction to game design
M. Delahaye: Game: Play testing
Later this week, you will be able to select the paper you want to study by registering to the "paper study group" with the number of the first authors' name on the first page.
Carefully read the abstracts before choosing a paper as you cannot revert your choice.
You can join only one group => one paper to study (alone) ; it's not a work to do with the potential other person choosing the same paper to study. We'll run the plagiarism detection tool to check such issue. -
reminder: choose MAXIMUM 1 group / the paper study work is individual. The word "group" comes from the moodle interface design ; it just mean the maximum number of person choosing a specific paper.
The Turn-it-in assignment uploading tool will be visible in the TOPIC5 box. According to EPFL regulations, this tool will check for plagiarism on all uploaded assignments including those provided in previous years.
March 1st [3h teaching]
R. Boulic 1h: Feeding human senses through "Immersion"
R. Boulic 1h: Depth Perception
Mathias Delahaye / Nana Tian 1h: VR systems
You are free to define your project group, at the latest on Friday March 8th 23h55. (week 3)
We expect a standard group size of three people, notable exceptions can be discussed with the lecturers.
Details can be found in the pdf document "VR Project Guidelines", which can be found in the general section, or within this section.
Once your group is registered, it is important to brainstorm your ideas with the group and come up with a short document that provides the details of your game idea. This document should be uploaded in the assignment "VR Project Pitch Proposal (Max. 2-Page)" (see Topic 7) until April 19th (23h55). We encourage you to upload your pitch before the 12th of April to receive the appropriate feedback for your project.
March 8th [2h teaching and 1h UNITY intro]
R. Boulic 1h: How much Immersion is necessary ? what is he difference between Immersion and Presence ? and Flow ?
R. Boulic 1h: Cybersickness
March 15th [1h teaching, 2h TP with own laptop]
R. Boulic 1h: Basic 3D interaction techniques: Magic vs Naturalism (Part1)
Hands-on Week4
March 22 nd [1h teaching/ 2h TP] + Deadline of the paper study
R. Boulic : Basic 3D interaction techniques: Magic vs Naturalism (Part 2 & 3)Hands-on Week5 -
March 29th [1h teaching / 2h TP]
R. Boulic 1h : Basic 3D interaction techniques: Magic vs Naturalism (part 4)
Hands-on Week6
April 12th [1h teaching, the initially planned 2h TP]
R. Boulic 1h : Haptic interfaces (part1 & 2)
Hands-on week7
One person per group should upload the proposal.
The proposal should briefly describe the game, mechanics and objectives. It should also describe how interactions will be used to achieve the game objectives. We recommend that you use drawings or other forms of graphical representation to convey your idea more efficiently. We encourage you to upload your proposal by the 15th of April as feedback will be given on the 19th of April.
The paper highlights the difficulties to interact without haptic feedback. It partially relies on Physics but, beyond the use of Physics, what's interesting in this approach is how to assist the grasping interaction to determine when a grasp is feasible.
The link might be temporary ; use it sooner than later.
the link might be temporary too.
April 19th [1h teaching / 2h TP]
R. Boulic : Haptic Interfaces (part3) / The perception of Action (Part 1/2)
Mathias/Nana 2h : Project Pitch ( details below)
April 26th [2 x 45 min with 15 min extra time that will be compensated on week10]
R. Boulic : The perception of action (end)
R. Boulic : What makes an interactive virtual human alive (or plain zombies) ?
May 3rd [60 min teaching duration to compensate the longer duration of the 2 previous topics]
R. Boulic: Motion capture for real-time interaction -
May 10th [2h teaching] invited lecture from Dr Bruno Herbelin
B. Herbelin: Immersive Virtual Reality, Telepresence and their cognitive foundation / Embodied Virtual Reality (course material from B Herbelin from EPFL-LNCO)
May17th: no course / time is dedicated to the mini-project
May 26th: Project Deadline
May 24th is a non-working day: Project Oral presentation (Team members together) via zoom. / scheduled over the week
This will be where you will present your choices and your game to us. It will serve as a way for you to defend your work and explain yourselves. It will also give us the opportunity to ask questions about your work also. For this, we expect a 10-minute presentation, with 10-minute Q&A session. So you should prepare slides for this.
The deadline for submitting the final version of the project (build and code/unity project + report) is on May 26 23:55.
Please submit a zipped file in .zip format. Name your submission as:
XX = group number
Only one member of the group needs to submit the project.
May 31th: Final Oral Exams for both theory and practice will stand between 8h30/9h00 to 11h30/12h00 and 12h30/13h00 to 15h00 via Zoom:
- Projects:
- Theory: (with waiting room ; be present a few minutes before your selected time slot)
Please select a timeslot on the doodle link:
- Projects (one timeslot per group):
- Theory (one timeslot per student):
- Projects: