Course beginning

Course beginning

par Olivier Lévêque,
Nombre de réponses : 0

Dear students interested in the course "COM-516 Markov Chains and Algorithmic Applications",

As you already know, the coming semester will be a special one... and also one filled with emails and special informations about all kinds of things, so in order to keep this message short, we will let you read all the detailed information about the course on the Moodle webpage, but let us just make three important remarks:

- The course starts on Zoom ( this Thursday at 12:15 PM, but it is given in a flipped format, so we kindly ask you to watch the course videos before then.

- The exercise sessions will take place on Fridays at 3:15PM in room INM 202 for the group of students on campus that week (starts with group B this Friday), on Zoom ( for the other students.

- In addition, a Piazza forum has been set up for the course. Here is the sign up link for you:

You are welcome to ask questions anytime there.

Looking forward to meet you!

Nicolas and Olivier