Remote connection with "ssh" times out

Remote connection with "ssh" times out

par Omar El Malki,
Nombre de réponses : 5

Good afternoon,

When I try to use the ssh command to establish a remote connection to with my gaspar as instructed during the lab, the operation times out, is this normal? I am not working through vdi.

Thank you for your understanding,

Omar El Malki

En réponse à Omar El Malki

Re: Remote connection with "ssh" times out

par Georgia Fragkouli,

Dear Omar,

You must be connected to the EPFL VPN for ssh to work. Can you please try this and let us know whether this solves the problem?


En réponse à Georgia Fragkouli

Re: Remote connection with "ssh" times out

par Omar El Malki,

I just tried it while connecting to the vpn, the operation does not timeout anymore, but I get the following error instead:

ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused

En réponse à Omar El Malki

Re: Remote connection with "ssh" times out

par Katerina Argyraki,

Hi Omar,


The expected behavior is that you won't successfully connect, but ssh will sit there waiting for a password prompt. That should be enough to complete the lab. (It just worked for me.)

There's only one question in the lab that depends on this SSH connection: "Can you tell which one corresponds to INF3 computer you have ssh-ed into?" 

(As a side note: It seems that the sysadmins have disabled ssh on most of the INF3 servers. I can't blame them, because these servers are not supposed to be used for people to ssh in, in general. )

Let me know if it worked.

En réponse à Katerina Argyraki

Re: Remote connection with "ssh" times out

par Katerina Argyraki,

Take a look at this as well:

En réponse à Katerina Argyraki

Re: Remote connection with "ssh" times out

par Omar El Malki,


The pc11 worked for me, thanks a lot! The behaviour with pc03 was also as you expected, it waits for a bit and then times out.

Have a great day,
