Small question on 1st handson lexical level

Small question on 1st handson lexical level

par Charline Montial,
Nombre de réponses : 2

Hello. I had a question for QUESTION IV in the 1st handson about lexical level. The assertion "Natural language is only used as a communication tool" is wrong, because : "Representation is the second big function of human languages."

Could you please explain to me what does "Representation" mean in this context?

Thank you a lot in advance !

En réponse à Charline Montial

Re: Small question on 1st handson lexical level

par Jean-Cédric Chappelier,
to represent knowledge, information about "the world"; to remember, express, what we (think we) know.
See slide 10/45 of the first lecture and the video at ~ 00:32:23.