Quiz 1: Child language (Questions 9-10)

Quiz 1: Child language (Questions 9-10)

by Alessio Cappellato -
Number of replies: 5

Good afternoon,

checking Quiz 1 solutions, I noticed that the variable values in Child language (Questions 9-10) are different than the ones in the actual quiz.

Using the correct values the solution should be:

A = 1.03 (= 103)

B = 150000 + 200^3 * 0.03 = 390000 (= 39000000)

Could You confirm it? I was confident on my solution, but I got no points for them.


In reply to Alessio Cappellato

Re: Quiz 1: Child language (Questions 9-10)

by Jean-Cédric Chappelier -

They do correspond but to another occurrence of the question. Several questions contained random data.

For your version: you are right, but why did you multiply by 100?
That's why the system gave you 0.
I just checked the whole class and you were the only one to do so (fortunately!).
Since this is mathematically correct, I granted your points back.

In reply to Jean-Cédric Chappelier

Re: Quiz 1: Child language (Questions 9-10)

by Alessio Cappellato -

I "overthought" about the way You wanted the answer to be formatted.

I thought that, since the answer was split in numerator and denominator, You wanted a fraction that could not be simplified instead of decimal values.

Next time I'll stick to the result of the formula.

Thank You for granting my points back!

In reply to Jean-Cédric Chappelier

Re: Quiz 1: Child language (Questions 9-10)

by Zeyi Li -

Good morning,

I found I have the same situation.

For my version, I calculated A/B=(1+0.02)/(300000+0.02*150^3) and simplified the fraction to its simplest format without decimal A/B=17/6125000, but got no points.

Now I know I shouldn't have simplified it. Could you please grant my points back?

Thanks a lot