Quiz 1: Child language (Questions 9-10)

Quiz 1: Child language (Questions 9-10)

par Alessio Cappellato,
Nombre de réponses : 5

Good afternoon,

checking Quiz 1 solutions, I noticed that the variable values in Child language (Questions 9-10) are different than the ones in the actual quiz.

Using the correct values the solution should be:

A = 1.03 (= 103)

B = 150000 + 200^3 * 0.03 = 390000 (= 39000000)

Could You confirm it? I was confident on my solution, but I got no points for them.


En réponse à Alessio Cappellato

Re: Quiz 1: Child language (Questions 9-10)

par Jean-Cédric Chappelier,

They do correspond but to another occurrence of the question. Several questions contained random data.

For your version: you are right, but why did you multiply by 100?
That's why the system gave you 0.
I just checked the whole class and you were the only one to do so (fortunately!).
Since this is mathematically correct, I granted your points back.

En réponse à Jean-Cédric Chappelier

Re: Quiz 1: Child language (Questions 9-10)

par Alessio Cappellato,

I "overthought" about the way You wanted the answer to be formatted.

I thought that, since the answer was split in numerator and denominator, You wanted a fraction that could not be simplified instead of decimal values.

Next time I'll stick to the result of the formula.

Thank You for granting my points back!

En réponse à Jean-Cédric Chappelier

Re: Quiz 1: Child language (Questions 9-10)

par Zeyi Li,

Good morning,

I found I have the same situation.

For my version, I calculated A/B=(1+0.02)/(300000+0.02*150^3) and simplified the fraction to its simplest format without decimal A/B=17/6125000, but got no points.

Now I know I shouldn't have simplified it. Could you please grant my points back?

Thanks a lot