Lab 3 Part 2

Lab 3 Part 2

par Léo Lucien Alvarez,
Nombre de réponses : 1


I don’t understand something. Is Our client supposed to get the d value and manage by himself how to print the messages « This is computer data i », or is the server supposed to do it on ist own when we send the correct command? Because when I send the command as a string with d=0 or 1 I receive only one message « This is computer data ». Is it my client that had a problem or I don’t communicante properly with the server?



En réponse à Léo Lucien Alvarez

Re: Lab 3 Part 2

par Alaeddine El Fawal,



Your client should send a command of the form: “CMD_short:i”, where i=0,1 . The server replies with n messages: “this is PMU data i”, i=0,…,n-1 . Then, when your client receives these messages from the server, the client should print them one message per line.


You have a problem in your code, because the server doe not send any message like the one you are printing “This is computer data”. This message is apparently hard-coded in your client.


You might be communicating properly with the server but printing a hard-coded message…


To check the communication with the server, make Wireshark your best friend.


Good luck,
