Course mini-project

Course mini-project

par Olivier Lévêque,
Nombre de réponses : 0

Dear students,

Please find enclosed the description of the mini-project for the Markov Chains course (also at the bottom of  the Moodle page). It is due on Monday, December 14, so you have 4 weeks to do it, but please do not wait until then to start! In the meantime, we will be happy to answer your questions about this project during the Slack/Zoom sessions on Fridays.

Before that, we need the following information from you: we ask you to form teams of 3 for this project. For each team, please send an email with the names of the 3 members of the team, as well as a team name, to both and, by this Friday at the latest.

All the best and good luck for this project!
Nicolas and Olivier  

PS 1: On Thursday, December 17, at 12:15 PM, a competition will take place on Zoom, where you will be given a real dataset. Be prepared!

PS 2: Course evaluation is running until this Sunday; please do not forget to make suggestions/comments about the course!