Quizz 3, question 3 (exercise 2 in correction)

Quizz 3, question 3 (exercise 2 in correction)

par Heloise Marie Aurore Dupont de Dinechin,
Nombre de réponses : 2


In question 3, we are asked to mark the parameters involved in the choice for PoS tagging. I don't really understand why "P(Det|Adj)" is not a parameter involved: even if the sequence "Adj Det" does not appear in the sentense, isn't it useful to discriminate the chosen PoS taggin between, for example, "This/Adj is/det ..." (even if it is not very realistic). I don't understand why it would not be not used for computing the maximum and chosing the right tagging.


En réponse à Heloise Marie Aurore Dupont de Dinechin

Re: Quizz 3, question 3 (exercise 2 in correction)

par Jean-Cédric Chappelier,

As you said, this is not very realistic: is:Det would not be considered (not part of the lexicon; the other similar case would be: a/Adj good/Det, which is equally unrealistic).
However, I see your point and agree that -100% penalty for that one is to harsh, as this is of another kind of errors than the others. I thus lowered this penalty down to -0.5 points (i.e. -25% instead of -100%). Notice that only 11 of you (14%) did check that proposition.