Concerning the Tests labeled as Test 12 and 13

Concerning the Tests labeled as Test 12 and 13

par Mathieu Caboche,
Nombre de réponses : 1

In tests 12 and 13, toward the end of their codes there is an inconsistency. The comment reads:

We check that at least N/2 -1 other nodes have 6 blocks

However the code actually checks if at least N/2 +1 other nodes have 6 blocks.

Could you please clarify which is correct, the comment or the code?

En réponse à Mathieu Caboche

Re: Concerning the Tests labeled as Test 12 and 13

par Pasindu Nivanthaka Tennage,


Sorry, there is an error in the comment. The code is actually correct. It is N/2+1

What we check here is that a majority of the nodes received  blocks in the correct order.
