Looking for a group.

Looking for a group.

par Ahmed Amine Ghariani,
Nombre de réponses : 2


I am looking to join or form a group. I can work on any of the 3 subjects. 


En réponse à Ahmed Amine Ghariani

Re: Looking for a group.

par Beltan Hacène Philibert Michel,

Hey! I'm looking to join or form a group too and I saw on the google sheets they're all full.

Do you want to form one and work on "Communication is key in ALL relationships"?

En réponse à Beltan Hacène Philibert Michel

Re: Looking for a group.

par Enis Ceyhun Alp,
Can you guys please update the spreadsheet with your team information - regardless of whether you two have formed a group or working separately.

Thank you!