ITC Final Exam

ITC Final Exam

par Reka Inovan,
Nombre de réponses : 0

Dear All,

We will have the ITC Final Exam tomorrow, 23rd of January, from 16:15 till 19:15

Here is how we will do it:
- We will upload the problem statement on Moodle at 16:15.
- You are allowed to consult any material, but you are not allowed to seek external help
  (So no cooperation with your colleague)
- We will open a Zoom session on the usual link :
  You are not required to join the Zoom session.
  You can ask questions to clarify the problem statement there.
  But we will not help you with the exam.
- We will have a submission page on moodle where you can submit your answer
- We will not proctor the exam.

Regarding the submission:
- Please submit a single PDF with your name and sciper number on the file name.
- You are free to use Latex, note taking app, or to scan your answer.
- In case you need more time to prepare your PDF, you can submit the rough photos (e.g., using phones) of your answer sheets before 19:15 in the submission link.
Then you can submit a higher resolution single PDF version before 20:00.
Please note that the photos must be consistent with the PDF file, i.e., you cannot change your answer sheet after 19:15
If you take this option, do not delete the photos from your moodle submission folder after submitting the pdf file.

Contact us immediately in the Zoom session if you have any technical problem that prevents you from submitting
the answer on time. I heard that you can join Zoom session using phone if needed, but I have not personally test it.

The exam itself is roughly at similar difficulty to last year.
But instead of 2 hours like last year, you will have 3 hours. So we hope you can finish it on time.
Don't hesitate to contact us if you still have any questions.

Good luck with the revision,