Looking for third member

Looking for third member

by Maximilian Ryker Jalel Ben Ali -
Number of replies: 0

Hello everyone!

Eva and I were interested in doing our the project on the Swiss Twitter video games community (developers, journalists, academics...), with a preference for focusing on their reactions to the recent games #metoo-like movement – which revealed multiple counts of sexual harassment (amongst other things) in both small and large games studios – and analysing the discourse around the subject and its impact on the community, and we're looking for a third person to join us.

Being both native French speakers, it's likely that we'll have to focus on the French-speaking part of Switzerland, so if you speak German or ItaIian, that could be a plus! If you're interested, you can reply here or email us at maximilian.benali@epfl.ch and eva.laini@epfl.ch.

Sorry for the short notice ^^"
