Renewable energy (for ME)
Weekly outline
Part given by Haussener will be given hybrid (for lecture, not exercises) with a recurring webinar link:
Video recordings for the lectures available on this switch tube channel:
The slides packages is for this week + next week. This week = slides 1-50.
Wind resource, origin, potential
Geostrophic and gradient winds
Wind speed distribution and measurement
Wind power in Europe and the world
Wind turbine parameters and design
Origin, potential and application of tidal power and wave power
Easter break, no lecture.
Course will be given by Dr. Jian Li and Shuo Liu.
Some typos were corrected in the solution.
Biomasses classification
Biomass energy potential
Wood conversion : combustion, pyrolysis, gasification concepts, cycles
Biogas : sources, digestion process, conversionBioethanolBiodieselLife Cycle Analyses in relation to biofuels
Typo corrected: Question 4(a)