Grading of the subjective questions in Lab0 Part3?

Grading of the subjective questions in Lab0 Part3?

par Xingyu Su,
Number of replies: 3


May I ask how the subjective questions in Lab0 Part3 are graded? I tried doing the quiz multiple times and found I was never graded for those 2 questions.

Thanks in advance.

In reply to Xingyu Su

Re: Grading of the subjective questions in Lab0 Part3?

par Dubravka Kutlesic,
Hello Xingyu,

Thank you for your question.
I guess you refer to the questions with the blank text boxes to write the answer (Part 3 - questions 6 and 9).

The questions are graded automatically, meaning that once you submit the attempt, you will immediately get approximate grade feedback that includes these two answers in your performance.

For question 6, where you are expected to list differences for IPv4 and IPv6, try to be precise. What do you see in one case and what in the other?

Earlier today, we added additional information to question 9, which will help you solve it.

Kind regards,
In reply to Dubravka Kutlesic

Re: Grading of the subjective questions in Lab0 Part3?

par Julien Roger Lucien Ben Haim,
Hello Dubravka,

Can you be more precise in how the automatic grader correct the open-answer questions ? Is it trying to find some keywords that must appear in the answer ?

I'm pretty sure there are a lot of way to formulate a correct answer and it is almost impossible to design a grader that will mark them all as correct. Especially in a question as wide as "describe some differences".

Best regards,
Julien Benhaim
In reply to Julien Roger Lucien Ben Haim

Re: Grading of the subjective questions in Lab0 Part3?

par Dubravka Kutlesic,
Hello Julien,

Thank you for your question.
Open-answer questions match your answer and the keywords that we ask for.

Particularly in the question "describe some differences" (part 3, question 6), the grader checks did you include in your answer one of the keywords (or key expressions) that represent differences between IPv4 and IPv6 while pinging. Your answer is accepted if you have listed at least one difference. The expected keywords are concepts from the class and can be observed in terminal when pinging or in Wireshark by examining the packets in more detail.

Hope this helps,
Kind regards,