OP1 revision

OP1 revision

by Lei Yan -
Number of replies: 0

Dear students,

We just released our feedback on your OP1 in Moodle. The assignment for next week (due Sun, Oct. 17) is for you to revise your OP based on the feedback provided. The question and the grading rubric remains the same, i.e., submitting the same OP will get you the same score.

  • The grading rubric for OP1 totals 10 points, and the translation to the usual 1-6 grade scale is not linear, so 5/10 does not equal 3/6. We will be doing this translation using curved grading after we read your revisions.

  • Our feedback indicates how you can improve your OP1, and you will get a chance to do so for the revision. The revision will count toward ⅓ of your OP1 grade. You are free to approach the revision any way you want, but if you got ≤5 then you probably need to consider redoing your OP1 from scratch.

Best wishes,

POCS Staff