When exactly should we update the routing table ?

When exactly should we update the routing table ?

par Keran Kocher,
Number of replies: 2


I am having trouble understanding the test Test_HW1_Messaging_Broadcast_CatchUp.

Three nodes A, B, C are created and A, C are started. Then the test expects a broadcast from node A to be successful. But how does A know its neighbor C (because addPeer is not used) ? The handout says that the routing table should be updated when we process RumorsMessage, which is not the case at the beginning of this test.

Thank you !

In reply to Keran Kocher

Re: When exactly should we update the routing table ?

par Keran Kocher,
Complementary question that would answer the above one: If the node has no neighbor, should the broadcast still return successfully ?
In reply to Keran Kocher

Re: When exactly should we update the routing table ?

par Haoqian Zhang,
If the node has no neighbor, the broadcast should return no error.
Do not forget that "All nodes have an anti-entropy of 50ms".