Clarification: does Broadcast have a destination?

Clarification: does Broadcast have a destination?

by Cristina Basescu -
Number of replies: 0

Dear students, 

Some of you pointed to us a possible inconsistency between the skeleton comments and the homework pdf. On the one hand, the skeleton specifies, in "transport/mod.go:143", that "Destination is empty in the case of a broadcast, otherwise contains the destination address.". On the other hand, the pdf mentions in Task 1 (page 6) that broadcasting a message means to create Rumor and send it to a random neighbor. Thus, the pdf implies, and the tests expect that a broadcast has a destination in the rumor message it generates.

The inconsistency comes from the spec of a Broadcast call vs a Broadcast implementation. If a client/node calls Broadcast, the *Broadcast call* does not have a destination, because it implicitly means "send to all". But, the *Broadcast implementation* consists of sending Rumor messages to some chosen destinations. 

We hope this clarifies the issue, otherwise please write back.

Best regards,
