DNS servers inefficiency

Re: DNS servers inefficiency

par Katerina Argyraki,
Number of replies: 0
This is an awesome question, Vladimir! Indeed, one might argue that decoupling (separating) DNS from other services is inefficient. One reason for this decoupling is historical: DNS was not there from the beginning, it showed up at some point because of need (check https://www.cs.cornell.edu/people/egs/615/mockapetris.pdf if interested). Another reason is that this inefficiency was not deemed significant enough for adding more load/complexity to the DNS system: DNS caching works well (most people tend to visit the same servers) and hides much of the inefficiency. That said, there have been research proposals through the years to integrate DNS requests in the Internet architecture in a more seamless way, such that end-systems do not need to make first a DNS request and then a separate service (e.g., web) request. E.g., https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA414840.pdf (warning: badly written, hard to read -- but interesting).