DNS knowing only TLD

DNS knowing only TLD

par Alexandre Pierre-Olivier Philippe Tellier,
Number of replies: 1


Is it possible for my local DNS (dns.com208.ch) to not know the address for www.epfl.ch but to know the address of the authoritative server for Epfl.ch and then ask it to get the address www.epfl.ch without asking root server, then tld... ?

Have a good day !

In reply to Alexandre Pierre-Olivier Philippe Tellier

Re: DNS knowing only TLD

par Katerina Argyraki,
Hi Alexandre,
Yes, it is possible, but we have not exactly seen that scenario in class. So, if there's a question where a local DNS server is asked about the IP address of dns.com208.ch, it either has the requested mapping cached, or it needs to ask a root DNS server (to keep things simple).