Lab 5/6 - Socket Programming

Lab 5/6 - Socket Programming

by Aunn Raza -
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Dear Students

The next three lab sessions will give everyone hands-on experience with designing and building a distributed application through `Socket Programming` in Java.

Overall, there are three parts, distributed over three labs sessions. In lab 4 (two lab sessions), you will be required to build a TCP-based client/server application, where in the first part, the server will handle a single client at a time, and in the second part, it should be able to serve multiple clients.

In the third part (Lab 5), you will be required to build a similar client/server application, but provide reliability over UDP sockets, which TCP does automatically under the hood.

Lab manuals for both, TCP and UDP, are uploaded to Moodle (under module 7, Lab 5/6- Socket Programming) with the accompanying starter files. you are free to do the labs at your own pace, essentially, building each task over the previous ones.

CompNet Teaching Team