Course book error about form of final exam

Course book error about form of final exam

by Bryan Alexander Ford -
Number of replies: 0

Dear CS-438 students,

As you know, the final exam of this course consists of a session during the final exam period in which you present and answer questions about your final projects.  The EPFL Course Book currently indicates a "written" final exam for CS-438, which is incorrect: it should indicate an "oral" final exam.  We requested last year that this inaccuracy be fixed, but it just recently came to our attention that the fix apparently was not applied, so the course is still listed incorrectly as having a "written" final exam.

After consultation with SAC on this matter, we were asked to send the following announcement and opportunity to respond in case you have any objection to the oral (project presentation) nature of the final exam as planned. (English version below the French.)  Please respond ASAP if you have any objections or concerns.



(From SAC)

Chères étudiantes, chers étudiants, 

A cause d'un malentendu administratif, il semble que l’examen!itffichecours.htm?ww_i_matiere=2217640907&ww_x_anneeacad=2301874322&ww_i_section=84482813&ww_i_niveau=2936286&ww_c_langue=fr soit classé comme un examen de session écrit sur la fiche de cours alors qu'il a été prévu d'être évalué comme un examen de session oral. Afin que le changement soit fait, nous devons toutefois mettre à l’enquête cette proposition auprès de tous les étudiants. Donc, si quelqu’un de vous s’oppose à un examen oral (veut qu’un examen écrit maintenu) il a le droit de manifester son désaccord. Sinon, vous n’avez pas besoin de répondre à ce mail. Si nous ne recevons pas d’opposition de votre part à un examen de session oral d’ici au vendredi 26 novembre à midi, la matière Decentralized systems engineering sera évaluée comme telle.

Nous vous remercions de votre compréhension.  

Meilleures salutations 

(English translation)

Dear students,

Due to an administrative misunderstanding, it seems that the exam!itffichecours.htm?ww_i_matiere=2217640907&ww_x_anneeacad=2301874322&ww_i_section=84482813&ww_i_niveau=2936286&ww_i_niveau=2936286&ww_fr_c_lindicates a written session exam on the course sheet when it has been planned to be assessed as an oral session exam. In order for the change to be made, however, we need to investigate this proposition among all students. So if any of you object to an oral exam (wants a written exam to be held) you have the right to disagree. Otherwise, you don't need to reply to this email. If we do not receive any objection from you to an oral session exam by Friday November 26 at noon, the subject Decentralized Systems Engineering will be assessed as such.

We thank you for your understanding. 

Best regards