Quizz 3 Question

Quizz 3 Question

par Jules Perrin,
Number of replies: 1


I have a question about the question below. If BGP is used in an local AS because of some edge cases and special needs in this local AS, wouldn't this cause also problems in the local AS? because I have troubles finding why it couldn't be possible to do such an implementation, because from what I've searched before asking this question it's totally possible to implement BGP in LAN.

Thank you in advance for your answer and help to better understand what's maybe wrong with my reasoning

In reply to Jules Perrin

Re: Quizz 3 Question

par Katerina Argyraki,
There is nothing wrong with your reasoning. I simply did not anticipate that any student would consider this possibility. I will count (c) as correct. Thank you for sharing (and for thinking carefully about what we discuss in class).