Student presentations

Student presentations

by George Candea -
Number of replies: 0

Section 1.1. of the BL paper lists a number of slogans, which are then explained in the rest of the paper. These slogans are more commonly known as "the BL hints." For your presentation, you are to pick one of the papers discussed in POCS and one of the BL hints, explain what the hint is about, and then present how that hint was applied (whether consciously or not) to the system described in your chosen paper. Then talk about the impact the hint had on the success of that system. The more concrete your argument the better. One of the objectives of your presentation is to demonstrate that you understood deeply at least one of these hints and its application to one of the systems discussed in POCS.

Your presentation will be delivered live in class and should last a maximum of 5 minutes; it will be followed by 3 minutes of Q&A. Timing will be very strictly enforced, so please make sure to rehearse your presentation and to keep to the time limits.

Attached are some thoughts on how to put together a conference talk; hopefully they will help you with your own presentation.

Please register your title and date preferences in this spreadsheet. The title should be of the form <Name of System>: A Case Study for <Hint>. There are three possible dates: Tue 14-Dec, Thu 16-Dec, or Tue 21-Dec. Please be careful to not overwrite the registration of others.

Cheers, POCS Staff