quiz 4 grades are out

quiz 4 grades are out

by Jean-Cédric Chappelier -
Number of replies: 0

Dear INLP students,

Quiz 4 grades are out.

Below is the global distribution of point for this quiz.
As usual, I also computed your "fraction" so far (average of the four quizzes, in percent of the total points) and the corresponding grade it would be if we would stop here (but remember this is only 16% of the final grade so far).

Let me also mention that we'll organize some Zoom Q&A session some time in January (before the exam).
I'll share a Doodle early January (~10th) to choose the most appropriate date.

Finaly, I'd like to wish you all Merry Christmas (if appropriate), Happy New Year (if appropriate) and nice holidays (anyway).

See you in January!

distribution des points : pick sur 26-28