Final grades and solutions

Final grades and solutions

par Olivier Lévêque,
Number of replies: 0


We just uploaded the final grades on ISA; you should be able to see them sooner or later.

Besides, the final exam along with its solutions is on Moodle (top of the page).

For the grading, here is the scheme we used:

midterm: 50 pts, threshold for grade 4 = 25 points

project: 50 pts, threshold for grade 4 = 30 points

exam: 50 pts, threshold for grade 4 = 30 points [all this multiplied by 3]

So in total, the threshold for grade 4 is 25+30+90=145 points, over 50+50+150=250 points in total

[please note that there is just one grade based on your total number of points; we do not average intermediate grades]

All the best and happy holidays,

Nicolas and Olivier