Release of miniprojects + Class on April 12

Release of miniprojects + Class on April 12

par Alireza Modirshanechi,
Number of replies: 0

Hello everyone,
- Miniprojects:
We would like to announce that the two miniprojects are uploaded on Moodle. In short, you will train reinforcement learning algorithms to play Tic Tac Toe (miniproject 1) or Nim (miniproject 2)! We are excited to see what you think and discuss them with you!
As mentioned in the 1st lecture, you will do one of the two miniprojects in groups of 2 and have two options for the submission date:
1. Submit by May 30 (before 23:30) and give the fraud detection interview on June 2 or June 3.
2. Submit by June 6 (before 23:30) and give the fraud detection interview on June 9 or June 10.
- Class on Tuesday, April 12:
We will not have the morning class (10h15 to 13h00) this week (Tuesday, April 12). Instead, you will watch the recorded lecture videos here ("Deep Learning Lecture 4. Statistical Classification by Neural Networks").
In the afternoon class (14h15 to 16:00), we will introduce the miniprojects and answer your general questions about them. We will have our usual exercise session after that.
Wish you a nice weekend!
See you on Tuesday,
Your TAs