Problem with GNU Profiler

Problem with GNU Profiler

par Andela Kostic,
Number of replies: 1

Hello! I have a problem to do profiling with GNU Profiler. I followed instructions from the Application note:

- in the Nios II BSP Editor, turned on hal.enable_gprof to enable the GNU profiling

- generated BSP project

- built project

- finally, run the program as Nios II Hardware

According to the documentation, the program should execute normally and generate gmon.out file. However, when I run the program I get following in the console:

Nios II Console is empty, although there should be some messages as program executes. According to this tutorial , in the console after the lines shown above there should be something like "Uploaded GMON data: 6K in 0.0s". However, I don't get anything, neither gmon.out file nor messages in Nios II Console (like "Hello World!" which should be the first output when the program is started). Also, when I start debug mode, the perspective in Eclipse changes to debug perspective but I can't start the program (Resume symbol is disabled). 

The program executes completely normally when hal.enable_gprof is disabled. In the qsys system, I have one timer as a system timer (that is also checked in BSP Editor). Instruction and data caches are disabled for Nios II processor.

Please, could you help me to solve this?

Best regards,

Andela Kostic