Twitter API Academic Approval Denied and Prohibited new submissions

Twitter API Academic Approval Denied and Prohibited new submissions

by Lidia Casado Noguerales -
Number of replies: 1

Hi everyone,

My teammate (Tommaso) and I are doing the course project on Migration Perception after the Ukrainian War.

I am writing because we have been denied access to the Academic Level of the Twitter API, already 3 times! Furthermore, they have prohibited us to make further requests and we basically don't know what else to do. We were wondering if your team has managed to be granted access, and how, since we are all in the same situation (master/exchange students, doing the project for a master subject).

We are a bit lost on how to proceed and were wondering if, if your team has managed to get Academic access AND has finished retrieveing the data, you wouldn't mind sharing the access to the advanced Twitter API features with us.

This is our last resource because we have even tried getting access for projects we are doing outside the course, without any luck...

We would be super grateful and of course you can ask for our help with anything else 😊 

Thank you in advance and have a great après-midi !

Kind regards,


In reply to Lidia Casado Noguerales

Re: Twitter API Academic Approval Denied and Prohibited new submissions

by Lidia Casado Noguerales -
Okay, nevermind, apparently they have decided to surreptitiously change their minds and they have granted us access now.