Exercise 4 Problem 1, 2 & 3

Re: Exercise 4 Problem 1, 2 & 3

by Arthur Eugène Dietrich -
Number of replies: 0
Hello Alexandre,

1) If I'm not mistaken, A_m = W*l_tot, so A_m^(5/3)/W^1.75 = (W*l_tot)^(5/3)/W^1.75 =(l_tot)^(5/3)/W^0.083 as 1.75-5/3 = 0.083.

2) I'm not sure but as specified in the question, we need to design the same inductor as in the 2nd point of the problem. In the correction of problem 1, the inductance is 35nH so we re-use this value.

3) For this question, I have no idea so if a TA can answer it, it would be great!