K-Means Question, Mock Exam

K-Means Question, Mock Exam

by Mert Cemri -
Number of replies: 1

I had a trouble in question 5 of K-Means (open-ended) question on the Mock Exam.
In the solution of question 5, it says we should use MSE. However, how do we compute L2 distance of p_i and p_i(hat) which has different dimensions?
Because, isn't p_i three dimensional, i.e. [0,255]^3, and p_i(hat) is only one dimensional, [0,255]. I didn't understand how ||p_i-p_i(hat)|| is computed.

Maybe I am missing something, can you help?

Best regards,

In reply to Mert Cemri

Re: K-Means Question, Mock Exam

by Nicolas Talabot -

Both p_i and p_i(hat) are three dimensional here as they are colors in the RGB space. So there is no problem to compute the L2 distance between them.