It looks like noto got an update in the background and our initial set-up won't work any more: We'll have to re-install pNbody. Here's a step-by-step guide: 1) Log in to noto and open up a bash terminal. 2) We need to create a new virtual environment for python. To do this, run $ my_venvs_create pNbody_env $ my_venvs_activate pNbody_env Note: You'll have to run the `my_venvs_*` commands above (and below) manually in the terminal. Unfortunately, they can't be scripted. 3) Now we re-install pNbody. 3.1) If you still have the data we downloaded with the originally provided script (the directory ~/pNbody), navigate into it: $ cd ~/pNbody and verify that you still have the files there: $ ls . The output should look like > (pNbody_env) ch-epfl-304160@noto:~ $ cd ~/pNbody/ > (pNbody_env) ch-epfl-304160@noto:~/pNbody $ ls > Doc config scripts > MANIFEST examples > fonts src > test > TODO pNbody > build pNbody.egg-info (without the leading '>') If this is the case, run $pip3 install -e . and wait for pNbody to install. Otherwise, proceed with 3.2) 3.2) If you don't have the pNbody directory (~/pNbody) or the files therein are missing, you'll need to download it again. First remove everything you have in ~/pNbody: $ rm -rf ~/pNbody and then download it again: $ cd ~ $ git clone and then install it again: $ cd pNbody $ pip3 install -e . 4) (Optional) If you plan on using jupyter notebooks, you'll also have to install a kernel that includes pNbody: $my_kernels_create py3_pNbody "Py3 pNbody" 5) (Optional) If you want to use a different virtual environment, or just to deactivate the current one, use $my_venvs_deactivate Note: If you do this, you won't be able to use pNbody until you re-activate the pNbody environment again. You can do this by running $ my_venvs_activate pNbody_env Note: It's possible that on a new login, you'll have to activate the pNbody environment again. Use the command above to do that.